Oracle On-demand vs. Salesforce CRM Comparison


Check out our Oracle On-demand vs. Salesforce CRM Comparison. Recently, the two companies have been going back and forth with one another about which product is better. We introduce the drama, and then encourage you to download our white paper.

Oracle vs Salesforce

What does Oracle On-demand have to say about Salesforce CRM?

Oracle On-demand announced plans to push into the $72 billion cloud-computing market in January of this year. Oracle president Mark Hurd gave more detail on the plan that Oracle first unveiled on January 15. Hurd spoke on how Oracle is trying to own a slice of the “infrastructure-as-a-service” (IaaS) market.

Cloud computing is a vast and ever growing market, involving software apps, storage, computing power, and other resources. The infrastructure part of cloud software usually involves providing the basic computing resources on which customers can run operating systems and software of their choosing.

Oracle’s proposed scheme is uniquely to the way most companies approach IaaS.

Oracle will install their high-end hardware, which they call engineered systems, loaded with Oracle software in a customer’s data center. The customer doesn’t share those systems with others—a differentiator from most cloud setups. It pays a monthly fee to rent them. This is often called a private cloud—but involving hardware, not just software. This is completely different from the current model most cloud CRM solutions provide, like Salesforce and SugarCRM.

It’s a bold new plan for Oracle and arguably a pretty smart one.

So what does Salesforce have to say vs. Oracle On-demand? CEO Marc Benioff says Oracle doesn’t ‘get’ the cloud – Hurd responded that he didn’t really care what Benioff thought. The two companies have a history of heated debates – especially amidst their vocal CEOs. However, Benioff was right in some ways. Oracle can’t offer their software in the same way can.

At a time when most enterprises are starting to experiment with cloud computing, Oracle is jumping in at the right moment. Most companies are intrigued by cloud computing but don’t quite trust their most important data and databases on it.

Pricing is another huge factor for companies considering CRM. In the debate between Oracle vs Salesforce what might attract some is that they won’t have to come up with thousands of dollars up front for Oracle on Demand.

Both Oracle and Salesforce offer powerful solutions for CRM software, we often have clients asking us about their differences… so we decided to make a comparison chart.

Oracle vs Salesforce

Oracle vs Salesforce | Complete Comparison Chart

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